Monday, December 30, 2019

Restoring The Physical Integrity Of The Tidal Wetland...

Across all projects, the first step in tidal wetland restoration is almost always to create a â€Å"restoration site template† that will form the basis of the entire project. Experts believe that â€Å"restoring the physical integrity of the tidal wetland offers the best opportunity of restoring ecologic integrity† (Faber â€Å"Design† 17). How the template is formed will ultimately dictate what the final wetland will look like. Construction of the wetland base may require either excavation or fill depending on the site conditions. Some sites, like the Ballona Wetlands, have been filled with a massive layer of dirt, and in these cases, the site will need to be excavated back down to the bottom of the root zone so that natural sedimentation processes†¦show more content†¦In the consideration of which method is appropriate, one must also evaluate the site’s natural sedimentation load and its effect on the site’s own capacity for self-rest oration. For example, at the Sears Point Wetlands, no additional fill was placed on the project site even though the land had significantly subsided because of the â€Å"high local suspended sediment concentrations in the San Pablo Bay promoting rapid natural sedimentation† (Wetlands and Water 65). Another element to the template design of a restoration site is the decision to excavate tidal channels and a drainage system. Oftentimes, project managers can choose to â€Å"rejuvenate pre-existing tidal drainage system by redirecting tidal flows into the area.† If the natural drainage system has become too shallow over time, one may choose to excavate channels that follow the original drainage network of the wetland. This decision can contribute significantly to the success of the wetland because the natural processes will be restored much more quickly than if the wetland was allowed to re-develop those channels on its own (Faber â€Å"Design† 47). Because the drainage systems function as valuable wildlife habitat, the Sears Point project took special care to establish the â€Å"antecedent channel configuration† by

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Reveiw - 1484 Words

â€Å"When I first saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I exited the theater with an excruciating headache, a lingering sense of emptiness and a very strong desire to punch the film’s cinematographer,† (Ewing) which relates to the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which stars Daniel Radcliffe, Michael Gambon, Jim Broadbent, and directed by David Yates. In the sixth Harry Potter Saga, Harry goes to school, becomes obsessed with a mysterious book which belongs to the Half-Blood Prince, and goes on a dangerous mission to save himself in the end. Also, Harry tries to attempt to retrieve a memory of Professor Slughorn, which holds a major key to Voldermort’s downfall. Towards the end of the movie, Malfoy, Harry’s archenemy, secret†¦show more content†¦All in all, the directing of the movie quite fantastic the way the critic, Peter Travers, reviews in his article. I approve this comment, â€Å"The sixth of Rowling’s book to be filmed is that it’s an interim tease, all buildup and no release.† Actually, Travers defends in his review by saying â€Å"like that’s bad,† because the director of this movie, David Yates, did a great job on build up and release when the movie display a huge surprise to see â€Å"†¦ bully†¦ Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), kill wise old Professor Dumbledore (Michael Gambon).And then there’s slithery Severus Snape (the great Alan Rickman) makes a deal to protect Draco.† The movie presents Snape helping student, Draco Malfoy, destroy Professor Dumbledore and I applaud the director in which the order of the action occurred. I agree with Travers that the director of this movie, David Yates, did a great job on build up and release when the movie displays the action towards the end of the movie. â€Å"What makes Half-Blood Prince top-tier is the descent of darkness on the lives of characters† and setting of the movie, Hogwarts School o f Witchcraft and Wizardry, which creates that dark sneaky feeling you feel when you see the movie. Instead of Hogwarts been that cheery type of school, in the movie you will see the halls mostly gloomy, bare, and deserted. One of the main points of this movie is â€Å"getting lost in the hypnotic Half-Blood Prince (and) its haunting power† the Harry Potter fans craves

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Kengdie Free Essays

The Freshman Manifesto The ideal food system is; sustainable, both in practice and in mindset, values necessity over want whenever food is concerned, and is available to all peoples while promoting equality. Sustainability at its hear Is both a practice and a mindset. One cannot be present without†¦ Premiums Words Pages Ap Human Gee Summer Assignment . 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Even though the ultra influence in globalization is of slight significance to policy makers, its power has tremendous consequences to the nations involved†¦ Premiums Words Pages Globalization in Thai the nation states which make up the modern world system’. Another meaning of globalization Is the increase In Interrelationship of culture, people, and economic globalization as any relationship between nations around†¦ Premiums Words Pages English Topics number of second-language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers, if it has not done so already. The working languages of the United Nations re English and French. All documents are written only in the working languages. English has become now the language of international communication†¦ Premiums Worlds 5 Pages Easy APP Human Geography Teacher’s Guide Paul T. Gray, Jar. Roseville High School Roseville, Arkansas Gregory M. Sherwin Dalai E. Stevenson High School Lancashire, Illinois connect to college success†* www. 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Friday, December 6, 2019

Baseball Essay Research Paper I chose the free essay sample

Baseball Essay, Research Paper I chose the subject baseball, because it # 8217 ; s a game I have loved since I was a small child. I have played baseball since I was five, and followed professional baseball since I was approximately nine. That is when I started roll uping baseball cards and watching the games. Although I had neer truly cared about baseball # 8217 ; s origin and history, recently I have been seeking to happen out every bit much as I can about it. Baseball # 8217 ; s beginning is unknown. Peoples believe many theories. One is that baseball originated from the British game of cricket. Another theory people believe is that baseball started when a immature male child was being chased by a group of older childs and they were throwing stones at him. All the male child had with him was his school books and a walking stick. When one of the childs threw a stone at him he hit it right back at him. We will write a custom essay sample on Baseball Essay Research Paper I chose the or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the childs saw this they were amazed. That gave the childs an thought. They got out their walking sticks and started to throw stones at each other. The victor was the 1 who hit it the farthest. Another theory is that in 1831 a male child named Abner Doubleday had his mas make him a ball out of bit leather and pieces of old narration and yarn. Abner and his brother Tim would travel in the pace and drama # 8220 ; catch. # 8221 ; Abner got tired of merely throwing the ball, so he thought of hitting the ball excessively. He would hold a # 8220 ; pitcher # 8220 ; # 8221 ; lob # 8221 ; the ball to the hitter who had a # 8220 ; hittin # 8217 ; stick. # 8221 ; The hitter would hit the ball every bit far as he could. Most people believe this narrative to be true. Around the 1850s recreational baseball squads began to jump up all over in the United States. During the early 1840s the first baseball game was recorded. Harmonizing to the New England regulations, if a hitter was hit by a ball thrown at him he was called out. Today a hitter needs to be either tagged by the participant with the ball, or have the first, 2nd, or 3rd baseman measure on the base if they had the ball in their manus. Although baseball has changed a batch, many things have stayed the same. Baseball used to be considered a gentlemen # 8217 ; s game. Merely the upper category played baseball. Since Baseball was a gentlemen # 8217 ; s game, # 8220 ; cussin # 8217 ; # 8221 ; wasn # 8217 ; T allowed. If you were caught # 8220 ; cussin # 8217 ; # 8221 ; you would hold to pay a six cent mulct. By the late 1860s everyone was playing baseball # 8211 ; from food market packers to concern proprietors. The amateurs formed a conference called the National League Association. If a squad wanted to go a portion of the NLA, and was good plenty, it would be accepted. The conference would form games, and do certain the squads had a topographic point to play. In 1881 the first professional baseball squad was formed. The NLA would non let them in because they wouldn # 8217 ; t let squads to pay its participants. Because of this, the Red Stockings set up their ain conference. They called it the American League Association. The National Association finally had to let professional squads in the conference because the American Association had so many more squads in their conference. Because baseball # 8217 ; s popularity had grown so much, the presidents of the ALA, and the NLA started to bear down admittance to games. Soon gamblers got involved. The NLA allowed chancing but the ALA banned it because the participants thought baseball was for amusement intents merely. In the NLA gaming got out of manus. The participants got involved with the gaming, and would intentionally throw a game. That happened more than one time. When the NLA tried to censor chancing in 1892 the conference became really unstable. Directors were seeking to discontinue, and the participants wanted to play in a just game, non a game that was lost on intent. In the early yearss of baseball Charles Comiskey pioneered many basicss of the game. He had the participants back-up each other # 8217 ; s throws, and catch the ball with two custodies. In the early old ages, foremost basemen played in disgusting district. Comiskey changed that. He had the first baseman drama on the left side of the disgusting line so that if the ball was hit his manner he could acquire to the ball, and do the drama. Charles was a # 8220 ; playing director # 8221 ; for the Washington Blue Caps. He played hurler, and developed the pitching manner called, # 8220 ; The Stretch. # 8221 ; A pitch where the hurler does non weave up, he merely stairss and throws the ball. Another pioneering participant was Denton True Young. Most people know him as Cy Young. The Cy is short for cyclone. He got that moniker because of his alone pitching manner. Because of Cy # 8217 ; s great ability to flip there is a fliping award named after him. The award is called the # 8220 ; Cy Young Award. # 8221 ; The award is given to the hurler who leads the conference in work stoppage outs and earned run average. In 1900 the National Association eventually became stable. The gaming had for the most portion stopped, and squads were willing to play once more. In 1908 backstop # 8217 ; s face masks and shin guards were invented. A individual could purchase a face mask for six dollars, and shin guards for seven dollars. During a game in 1909, an outfielder bruised his thenar on a fly ball he caught. He left the game but returned two innings subsequently with a brace of soft leather baseball mitts. He played the remainder of his calling with those baseball mitts. Everyone thought he was a chicken, but shortly everyone had a brace of the baseball mitts. Although baseball has changed a batch, many things have stayed the same, such as simple basicss. I think most professional baseball participants don # 8217 ; t cognize much about baseball # 8217 ; s past. If they took the clip to read about it they # 8217 ; vitamin D likely truly bask it. I learned a batch about baseball # 8217 ; s history while researching this study. I thought baseball had ever been around, and that all the regulations had been the same. I thought the same squads had been about since the beginning, but they have non. Thingss have changed, from the unvarying manner, to the type of wood the chiropteran is made of, to the type of narration used in the balls. I chose to compose about baseball # 8217 ; s beginnings because baseball is my favourite athletics. I learned a batch about who did what, and when they did it. I am glad I chose baseball, because I learned a batch about baseball # 8217 ; s history in America. Shapiro, Milton J. , The Day They Made The Record Book, New York: Julian Messner,1968. Dunham, Montrew, Abner Doubleday, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Co. , 1965. Rosenburg, John M. , The Story of Baseball, New York: Random House, 1973. Schenck, Earl M. , Baseball, New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1969.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Online Reputation Management

ONLINE REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Nearly everyone these days is clamoring for social media marketing services. Savvy business owners are looking to social media marketing for more  website traffic, increased brand recognition and loyalty, and myriad other benefits. But what about online reputation management? That’s one part of social media marketing that sometimes gets lost among the other benefits, which are often perceived as being more lucrative. How could you possibly know what everyone’s saying about your company in the far-reaching corners of the Internet? What does it even matter? Well, it matters plenty. One disgruntled customer can now be heard far and wide, often negating the effects of all the money you’ve spent on  your social media marketing campaign. Unsatisfied consumers won’t hesitate to log onto sites like Yelp, Angies List, and Google Maps, and write a negative review. If particularly vitriolic, one review can unspool the five positive reviews of your company posted directly above it. It might not be fair – that bad experience might have been the result of a bad-apple employee that has since been let go – but that review is there. People  visit these sites because they are particularly concerned with quality of product and experience. They’ve got a little bit of a watchdog complex in them. So when customers get on there and complain, they’re doing so to the most attentive audience possible. What does this mean? You’ve got to fight for your reputation. And you need to be proactive about it. Start a customer loyalty campaign that encourages recent clients to post positive reviews, or at least search for and respond (appropriately) to any negative reviews posted. These responses can be vital, because it gives readers a chance to see that your company cares enough to respond to consumer complaints. So if you haven’t started already, I highly recommend getting out there and claiming your company’s reputation and identity. That way, any negative review that finds itself posted will have less steam because your company will already be established as a clean, fair, and caring company.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay about A Not So Super Hero

Essay about A Not So Super Hero Essay about A Not So Super Hero A Not So â€Å"Super† Hero From young, people are exposed to super heroes in comics, on television and at the movies. Consequently, when one mentions the word â€Å"hero,† normally people envision an image of Batman or Iron Man. However, in Tony Richman’s real life drama I’m Being Roasted Alive, the hero of the story is 76-year-old Tom Johnston. Tom shares his near-death experience where he is trapped under a burning half tonne log. Through the thoughts, decision and actions of the protagonist, Tony Richman suggests that average individuals without superpowers can become a hero if they are able to face obstacles with hope, courage and determination. Heroes are people who realize that hope can alter the outcome. Tom’s situation seems dismal, but he chooses to remain hopeful. On his isolated farm of 78 hectares, Tom finds himself trapped under a burning log with a broken leg. Realizing that, â€Å"Every movement brought new agony,† Tom yells out, â€Å"I’m being roasted alive.† (2) It is merely impossible for an elderly man to move an object at least three times his own weight, especially with an injury. To add to his tragedy, the log is on fire. The seriousness of his situation suggests that Tom will die as there is no one who can help him. Thus, to become a hero, one must face a hopeless obstacle like Tom does. Nevertheless, heroes remain hopeful regardless of how bleak his/her chances are of surviving. Still stuck under the log, Tom’s situation is worsening by the minute: â€Å"The flames rose higher, and he nearly fainted from the pain in his legs. His plight seemed hopeless, but he fought t o stay conscious.† (2) No matter how excruciating the pain is, Tom will not give up. Even if one attempt fails, he tries to find another way out. He does not have even one thought of surrendering to death without trying. Ultimately, by having a hopeful attitude, Tom is able to keep working towards his goal which helps him to save his own life. After reminiscing about the Depression, he asks himself, â€Å"Surely, after all that you’re not going to die without a fight?† (3) By recalling his own stories of survival, â€Å"A glimmer of hope returned.† (3) Tom frees himself after an hour of agonizing pain and numerous futile tries because he would not give up believing he could rescue himself. He uses past experiences to inspire and to keep the hope alive which opens the door to his success. All in all, people like Tom, who choose to have an optimistic outlook when facing hopeless situations can conquer them. Why? Their hope enables them to believe it is possi ble to obtain their goals so they keep trying. Besides maintaining a hopeful point of view, a hero like Tom has the courage to face and overcome obstacles. Being brave helps Tom to focus on a strategy to rescue himself, as well as to persist. As Tom reminisces about his childhood and the stories that his father tells him, about, â€Å"Prospectors’ endurance, of miners’ bravery and courage, of trapped men refusing to relax even the most slender grip of life,† (3) he realizes that he can relate to these people as they faced somewhat similar obstacles. These memories inspire Tom and encourage him to be bold, allowing him to face his fears and persevere in trying to fight for his survival. Furthermore, Tom does not panic even when he confronts the gross reality of his situation. When he finally frees his leg from under the burning log, â€Å"Tom nearly fainted from shock when saw it†¦ The charred remnants of his right foot dangled from the ankle on black threads of ligament. Above the ankle, his broken bones poked through the molten remains of his gum boot, his trouser leg and sock.† (3) Then he decides to roll down the hill, in attempt to get himself to a hospital: â€Å"About halfway he stopped, fighting to regain his strength, and wondered how he would ever start again, ‘Get a move on, son,’ he shouted angrily, and continued rolling like a barrel down the hill.† (3) Being brave helps Tom to be calm and fight to stay conscious

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biologics PRODUCTION AND MARKET Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biologics PRODUCTION AND MARKET - Essay Example epresent a significant proportion of the pharmaceutical market according to Aagaard, Purdy, and Philpott (2010) who cite that in 2007 American consumers reportedly spent approximately $40 billion on biologics constituting about 13.9 percent of the overall money spent on prescription drugs. The statistics further show an increase in the use and prescription of biologics in the coming years. Visiongain, an international company, predicted that the market share of the biologics would immensely increase over these years. According to the statistical data, these biologics will reach an estimated 178.4 billion by 2017. It was also found that biologics formed 15% of the pharmaceutical market in the year 2012 (Visiongain, 2013). Another report put forward by Allied Market Research also found out that the market of biologics would increase drastically over the years to come. According to Allied Market Research, it is estimated that the share would increase from a total of $1.3 billion in 2013 to $35 billion by the year 2020. This clearly shows that the demand for biologics will keep on increasing as time is passing by (Market Watch, 2015). According to the forecasts, this has increased from $46 billion to $169 billion in the year of 2012 and is further expected to increase to $221 billion by 2017. Following is the graphical data which shows the forecast of biologics between th e years of 2004 till 2017. However despite the success of biologics in the field of healthcare, there has been much debate regarding the approval of and patenting of the relevant technology. Biologics go through a fast track approval process which greatly speeds the process. Much of the criticism pertaining to fast track approval procedure for biologics focuses on safety concerns which are ignored during the fast process. According to the FDA (2011), the fast track procedure is to allow for speedy approval of biologics for treatment of life-threatening diseases and hence is required due to necessity.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Social group to which people belong can influence their health and Essay

The Social group to which people belong can influence their health and their quality of care - Essay Example eals that ethnic minority groups are increasing quickly in number, (this may be attributes to some immigration and to differences in fertility rates) and account for 73 per cent of Britain’s overall population growth. The trend among minority ethnic groups is to concentrate in urban areas, in particular London. The table below, as available from the Office for National Statistics, will help us understand the distribution of the population of UK into different ethnic groups. Research has shown that minority groups suffer from worse health and have also a lower level of health consciousness. The social class to which a person belongs seems to be the overriding factor in determining the level of health he enjoys and the healthcare he receives. Studies underline the differences that exist in the incidence of ill health depending on the social class. It has been noticed that there are higher incidences of infective and parasitic diseases (like pneumonia), violence and poisonings among lower social classes where the victims often even include children. Adults in these classes are more likely to suffer from cancer, heart disease and respiratory disease than Whites belonging to a more affluent class. a. There are a higher proportion of smokers among minority ethnic groups. Due to their social disadvantage there is more likelihood that they have grown up in a household with exposure to tobacco smoke and they become smokers at a very young age. This happens when the brain is still developing and causes irreversible developmental changes. Awareness to the negative effects of nicotine is very low among these groups. b. Health care inequality has been found to be based on ethnicity differences rather on the disparities in religion. The areas in which the study was carried out had a high percentage of Muslim population (53%) mostly of African, Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin. There is clear evidence of higher smoking rates among men in this population and higher

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis of the Promotion of Krijen Games New Product, Andromeda 99-XD Case Study - 1

Analysis of the Promotion of Krijen Games New Product, Andromeda 99-XD in the Indian Market - Case Study Example The aspect of globalization implies an enhanced level of competition in the global consumer markets. This has made it important for every organization to carefully undertake and formulate a policy that would help it to grab a market share in a chosen target market. The enhanced aspect of competitiveness in the market has also enhanced the level of competition as more players are resorting to this strategy, considering the saturation of the traditional markets of Western Europe and the USA. The present study would include a marketing plan for the launch of a new product in a new market. A fictitious company named Krijen Games has been chosen as the firm while the name of the product is ‘Andromeda ® 99-XD’. The product would be a technological marvel that would have features unmatched by any of the presently available product of its kind in the market. The market chosen for the study is the Indian consumer market which has been deliberately chosen considering the busines s potential of the nation on accounts of its strong economic growth in recent years. The marketing plan would consist of a situation analysis which would help in analyzing the internal and external environment of the organization. A SWOT analysis would help in the analysis of the firm. In addition, Porter’s model of five forces would be used to analyze the competitive framework for the organization in the chosen market. Finally, a primary study would be conducted with two separate sets of questionnaires. These would help in devising an appropriate segmentation and positioning strategy for the Indian market. Finally, a product mix for the new product would be created on the basis of the situation analysis and the primary study that would help the firm to gain long-term sustainable competitive advantage in the Indian consumer market. The global markets and business environments are changing rapidity.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Health Benefits of Corn Oil

Health Benefits of Corn Oil Sulaiman Alghunaim What Oil We Should Avoided to Live Healthy Corn oil is an oil which is extracted from the grains of corn, also known as maize. This oil has a various usage but mostly popular for cooking and frying. This oil is relatively inexpensive than other cooking oil. Margarines are often made of corn oil although other oils are used as well. Other than being used just as a cooking oil, corn oil has a lot of industrial uses. Corn oil can be used as ethanol and can act as bio-fuel and it is also a renewable source of energy. It is often said that corn oil is very healthy compared to other cooking oil in so many ways. There is a lot of usefulness of corn oil. We can feel the necessity of corn oil in many sectors. This oil is used as ethanol which is a bio-fuel and used in motor vehicles as a replacement of gasoline. In addition to that, Government laboratories researchers have discovered a way to convert corn oil into commercial chemicals that are now made of petroleum. However, all these advantages are in terms of commercial usage. Corn oil can be used as a bio-fuel and corn oil can also be used in chemical industry. However, using corn oil as a cooking oil is not a very good choice. People use corn oil with the notion that it is healthy and since it is relatively cheaper than other cooking oils. But they are terribly mistaken. Corn oil is very bad for our health. Corn oil is a hydrogenated oil. It means that the corn oil is hydrogenated before it is ready to be used. Manufacturer goes through the process so that the oil does not expire. In this process, trans fats get generated as well. Many doctors declares that trans fat is one of the most dangerous types of fats, although, they are not exactly certain why the addition of hydrogen in oil generates trans fats. Many food manufacturers use corn oil in their manufacturing process so that the food does not expire and have a less greasy feel. Corn oil is almost impossible to use without being hydrogenated. Trans fats raises what is known to be the bad(LDL) cholesterol and lowers what is know to be the good(HDL) cholesterol. When the level of bad cholesterol goes up and the level of good cholesterol goes down, there are higher chances of heart diseases which can also cause death. Moreover, Scientists believe that addition of hydrogen to corn oil makes a human body difficult to digest. Human body recognizes trans fat as saturated fat and so, our body can intake this kind of fat but due to this fats, our digestive system gets dysfunctional. That was just one phase of the problems of consuming corn oil. Corn oil is also a culprit in causing cancer. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) have been related with cancer for decades. Since the late 1990s, evidence has also linked the pollutants to cardiovascular disease among workers with long-term exposure to PCBs in electrical equipment. Bernhard Hennig of the University of Kentucky in Louisville and his colleaguesran experiments on mice. In a four week experiment, the fed corn oil to a group of mice and then injected each of them with a dose of PCBs. Those PCBs damage to cells lining blood vessels. At the end of the experiment the team analyzed the animals blood and tissues. They came with a conclusion that the damage of cells lining blood vessels increased the buildup of artery-clogging in heart disease and worst of all can also cause cancer. Most people argue how corn oil is very healthy. Scientifically, corn oil is very unhealthy. Some people think that it lowers the cholesterol level. Just like previously said, it lowers the good cholesterol and raises the bad cholesterol. In 2003 ACH food companies made a qualified health claim for corn oil. FDA OKs that petition. They made the claim that one table spoon of corn oil per day which is 16 grams is not bad for health, that is in fact good for heart. They also added that this 90 calorie is not a deal breaker and people consume more trans fats within their meal even if they do not use corn oil. Their objective was to achieve the possible benefits from corn oil. They also made this claim that most of the Americans are getting obese from their regular unhealthy diet plan. It is not just the corn oil itself that is making them overweight. They tried to convince that one table spoon of corn oil a day is a fair amount. It does not cause overweight. The claim that ACH made was wrong and misunderstood. Lets start with the explanation of being overweight. Overweight has been a common problem all over the world. People who do not eat healthy are more likely of having overweight issues. That is true. But in the past few decades, scientists have been observing people who eat healthy but still weighs more than what they should. They often complain about being overweight even though they eat healthy cooked food at home and they eat just the right amount. The problem is not just what they eat, the problem is what they use to cook the food with. Scientists have observed that most of the people eating healthy with obesity problems, use corn oil in cooking their meal. They have found that people in England has put on a lot of weight than they were 50 years ago. Now, they are 19 kilograms(three stones) heavier than they were before. The reason being, consuming corn oil is making people obese. Corn oil contains trans fat, which was previousl y discussed that it causes heart disease and is also a reason why people have obesity problems. Corn oil not only makes people fat but also, in our brain, it activates something called orexin neurons. Orexin is a Greek word for appetite. It is a very sensitive part of our brain and consuming corn oil activates orexin neurons and that enables man to eat a lot more than the right amount. Moreover, with the activation of this part of brain, people tend to be more laze, people tend to sleep more and get tired from their regular activity. It is believed that unbalanced eating with little or no physical activity is an adamant way of getting fat and so people gain weight. Being one of the cheapest cooking oil, corn oil is vastly used in junk foods. Most of the fast food restaurants and most of the packaged and canned snacks are made with corn oil. Those food are dangerous for health. First of all, those food are all made with cheap unhealthy ingredients and then the oil they use to make them. In these cases, corn oil cannot be used less. When the ingredients are fried or cooked, in a process, it needs a lot of oil. People without realizing, consume these food and slowly kill themselves. But sometimes people with lower income do not have a choice, so they have to make the decision to cook food with corn oil or eat junk food that is made of corn oil which is a very unfortunate case. Corn oil contains what is known as the omega-6 fatty acids also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Scientists say that this particular type of fatty acid is very essential for our body. It is one of our bodys necessity especially for our brain functioning and also it helps in stimulating skin and hair growth, maintaining bone health, regulating metabolism, and also maintaining our reproductive system. These facts are very true about omega-6. British Journal of Nutrition, however, thinks the opposite. They have narrowed down the whole concept of omega-6. Again, it is true that omega-6 fatty acid is very essential but it cannot process in our body alone. It goes trough our body along with omega-3 fatty acids. And in our body omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids has to somewhat balance to work. In fact, some studies suggest that elevated intakes of omega-6 fatty acids may play a role in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. In a regular American diet, it is found by the studies that they intake fifteen to twenty five times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. As a consequence, they have a risk of developing heart disease. Nevertheless, in a Mediterranean diet has a balance between the omega -6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that people following this diet are less likely of developing a heart disease. Although, people following this diet use little or no oil in their food. Krafts Foods is looking for a solution to get rid of the trans fat. Wilson and his team of food scientists and engineers have invested thirty thousand hours and tried to convert the cookie we know and love as oreo that has no trans fats meaning no corn oil with the taste of it unchanged. They have tried over 200 recipes in 100 different trials and they said that the formulation was very critical. Wendys on the other hand has found a solution to the problem with trans fats. They have replaced corn oil with one of their new non-hydrogenated oils. A large order of Wendys fries trans fats has dropped from 7 grams to 0.5 grams which is a indubitable success and happened just by replacing corn oil with their new non-hydrogenated oil. They have made fortune out of this. They had the highest revenues that year. This revolution has left number one McDonalds in the dust. People who are somewhat health conscious and has to eat fast-food as a fast alternative of food, prefer Wendys than other fa st food restaurants. As days are changing, new technologies are bringing us new gifts. So corn oil is not the only viable option for us. There are alternatives. In conclusion, we can say that corn oil is very bad for our health. All the harms that it does to our body is cruel. And the worst of all, it causes death. In order to live a healthy and better happy life we should avoid corn oil as much as we can and by all means we should be aware of the harms of corn oil. Work Cited Horovitz, Bruce. Wendys will be 1st fast foodie with healthier oil.USA today8 June 2006: n. pag. Unmesh, Kher , Caplan Jeremy, Kettmann Matt, Kristin Kloberdanz, and Liston Barbara. Target: Trans Fats..  TIME24 Oct. 2005: 53-54. FDA OKs Corn Oil Claim..  Tufts University  Health Nutrition Letter  25: 3. D, Parsell. Fat Fuels  PCB  Damage..  Science News  10 Oct. 2004: 245-246. Cann, Sara. 4 Healthy Food Offenders..  Mens Health  1 Aug. 2011: 130. Print. Corn could replace oil in making chemicals..  Christian Science Monitor  4 Feb. 1997: p9.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Computers In Medical Field Essay -- Information Technology Essays

Introduction Today, in the United States, we all live in an age of technology and science. The use of technology and science has revolutionized our way of life. There are few things in history that have influenced our lives more than a computer. Today, there cannot be any field that is absent of the influence of computer applications. From farming to rocket science, computers have a huge role to play. The use of the computer has been on the increase for some time in many fields. Medicine is one of the many fields that have made tremendous strides in the twentieth century due to the advent of computers. Computers are used in medicine in almost all areas. Whether it is data management, diagnosis, or treatment, computers have there own applications. Everything we know today in medicine might not have been possible without the valuable contribution of computers. The Role of Computers in Storing Information Computers have been used as storage devices for medical information for many years. Computer-based patient records are good examples to prove the worth of computers as information storage. Due to startup and running costs, possibility for abuse, poor functioning, and the risk of loss of confidentiality, they were not used very much in the past. Now, they have become almost indispensable. Computer-based patient records have many advantages. They "have the potential to improve legibility, accessability, structure..."(Medical Informantics) the possibility of integration with telemedicine, and increased ability to collect health information. Computers are used for scheduling and appointment keeping. They are used to keep track of patients' visits. With the help of word processors, letters are typed and sent to... ...rt of medicine. Neither can they eliminate the need of human beings. What they can do is help us bring relevant and timely information to use on our care of individual patients. They can also help run the medical offices or hospitals in a way that makes good business sense. That is why many physicians have embraced the computer and made information technology an integral part of their approach to patient care. That is why they have been able to meet the increasing needs of the patents remarkably well. (Much info I got was from this) If I forget we may want to think about getting rid of Advantages/Disadvantages sections