Saturday, February 29, 2020

Chemical Stress Testing

In this case, a chemical stress test is used. This test is used to help your doctor determine if you have any kind of heart condition causing the chest pain, if arteries to the heart have blockage or narrowing, identify an irregular heart rhythm, monitor the heart’s response to treatment or procedures, and plan rehabilitation after a heart attack. A stress test is a clinical standard often used to detect coronary artery disease. The imaging portion of the test is identical to that used during stress echocardiography or isotope stress testing and is performed either in a cardiologist office, a satellite lab or the hospital. An intravenous line is started in the arm, the blood pressure is checked and an EKG recorded. Common medications used for a chemical stress test include dipyridamole, dobutamine, and adenosine. Medication is supplied until 85 percent of your age-predicted maximum heart rate has been reached. In the initial phases of exercise in the upright position, cardiac output is increased by an augmentation in stroke volume meditated through the use of the Frank-Starling Mechanism and heart rate. Treadmill stress testing is the test of choice when a patient is able to exercise because of the physiologic effect that exercise has on the blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps give the physician an idea about the patient’s exercise tolerance and whether or not the exertion has any adverse effects on the patient’s symptoms or irregular heartbeats. The treadmill test involves walking on the treadmill at a predetermined intensity based off of your fitness level. Every three minutes the speed will be increased. This continues until you reach 85 percent of the age predicted maximal heart rate. References www. thirdage. comchemical-sress-test www. livestrong. com www. heartsite. com Chemical Stress Testing Chemical Stress Testing Chemical Stress Testing In this case, a chemical stress test is used. This test is used to help your doctor determine if you have any kind of heart condition causing the chest pain, if arteries to the heart have blockage or narrowing, identify an irregular heart rhythm, monitor the heart’s response to treatment or procedures, and plan rehabilitation after a heart attack. A stress test is a clinical standard often used to detect coronary artery disease. The imaging portion of the test is identical to that used during stress echocardiography or isotope stress testing and is performed either in a cardiologist office, a satellite lab or the hospital. An intravenous line is started in the arm, the blood pressure is checked and an EKG recorded. Common medications used for a chemical stress test include dipyridamole, dobutamine, and adenosine. Medication is supplied until 85 percent of your age-predicted maximum heart rate has been reached. In the initial phases of exercise in the upright position, cardiac output is increased by an augmentation in stroke volume meditated through the use of the Frank-Starling Mechanism and heart rate. Treadmill stress testing is the test of choice when a patient is able to exercise because of the physiologic effect that exercise has on the blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps give the physician an idea about the patient’s exercise tolerance and whether or not the exertion has any adverse effects on the patient’s symptoms or irregular heartbeats. The treadmill test involves walking on the treadmill at a predetermined intensity based off of your fitness level. Every three minutes the speed will be increased. This continues until you reach 85 percent of the age predicted maximal heart rate. References www. thirdage. comchemical-sress-test www. livestrong. com www. heartsite. com

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

International Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10

International Finance - Essay Example The exchange rate is a variable of the International Fisher Effect, which states that the value of a currency of a nation whose interest rate is relatively higher is likely to depreciate against the value of currency of another country whose interest rate is relatively lower (Madura 2011, pp. 114-120). On that note, the paper presents the importance of the international finance; the factors influencing the exchange rate and discussion of the findings of the IFE test. The test will be conducted using the UK interest rate and the exchange rate between the UK and Greece’s currency from the year 2005 to 2014. The method adopted during the IFE test is a regression analysis (the coefficient of correlation) (Sowa & Acquaye 1999, pp. 2-10). The concept of the international finance can be strongly grasped after its elements are uncovered. The elements are the interest rate, the exchange rate, the inflation rate, export, and imports, etc. The following two theories are influenced by the mentioned factors: the International Fisher Effect (IFE) and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The international finance refers to cross-border borrowing/lending of funds and any other transaction between the local and the foreign countries the leads to movement of funds, assets, and capital between the trading countries. The idea of Purchasing Power Parity contends that the prices of resembling products should be equal in different countries, when the currencies of the trading countries are converted into a single currency. There are two types of the purchasing power parity. That is, the absolute and relative purchasing power parity (Mankiw 2009, pp. 707-709). The theory of Absolute Purchasing Power Parity asserts that the real prices of commodities must be identical in all countries. Thus, the absolute Purchasing power parity is realizable when the purchasing strength of the local and foreign currency is alike, after the conversion of the currencies to foreign denomination, using the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Lap report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Lap - Lab Report Example Explanation of Procedure: A meter stick was mounted at slightly greater than eye level, level to the ground. A plumb bob, actually a string with a nut tied to the end, hung at head level exactly 0.5 meters from the meter stick. This served as an observation post with easily converted and consistent measures. As the moon fully rose past the horizon, two index cards were â€Å"butted† to either edge of the moon and the indicated length was recorded. This procedure was repeated later. Data and Calculations: The chart results: time d (cm) D (cm) conversion ? 7:10 50 0.5 205265 2053 10:10 50 0.5 205265 2053 Where: d=50 cm as set by the experiment. D= the measure between the cards ?=the angle size of the moon in arc seconds calculated as =(D/d) x 205265 The diameter of the moon is calculated as: D= (205265 x 2053)/ 380000km d=3800 km The angular size of the moon by calculation is: 2053 arc seconds The estimated diameter of the moon is: 3800 km The angular size of the moon is consist ent throughout a one night period; however, the distance to the moon varies over time, so over years, the angular size changes Conclusions and Analysis: The method used produces a good approximation of the diameter of the moon.