Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Are All Of The Black Kids Sitting Together - 1170 Words

In this scenario, saying that I were a sociologist designing a college course on Race and Ethnicity in college, I would have a variety of topics to start from and would really have to narrow it down. In this scenario, I am choosing to talk about systemic racism. The five sources I would use would be varying in subject, and the authors would come from different walks of life. {{{One book I would use in this course, would be a text that we have used this semester. This book being â€Å"Why Are All of the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?† by Beverly Tatum. It was a quick enough read, it made sense, and was easy to retain. This book had an emotional impact on me, and I have a feeling it would impact many students like the ones before†¦show more content†¦I like my negro nose with Jackson 5 nostrils. † At one point in this music video, it zooms into a shot of her daughter, who is maybe 4 at the time, with her â€Å"natural hair† and, she is very p roud of it. She is being taught that this is who she should be, not to be shamed of her race or ethnicity. The lyrics â€Å"I got hot sauce in my bag; swag† became a real tagline from this song when it first came out. This music video has managed to turn a negative stereotype about African-American women into a positive, empowering statement. However true this statement may be, women are â€Å"owning† it now. All, of the dancers in this music video are African-American, and it is very clear. None of their hair is straightened, they are all in Black Panther-esque outfits, and they are â€Å"unapologetically black.† The concept of this video is head-on addressing systemic racism. An obvious example is the dancers but there are also many more. For one, the opening scene, as referenced earlier, includes Beyoncà © herself standing on a police car flooded in water while a clip saying â€Å"What happened in the New Orleans?† plays in the background. This artist is using her platform to bring attention to the hurricane in New Orleans and how there was little to nothin g done by police there. She is calling out the system in this video. A third piece of media that may be used in a course about race is a song called â€Å"White Privilege II† by an artistShow MoreRelatedWhy Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together Essay1639 Words   |  7 PagesBeverly Daniel Tatum’s book, â€Å"Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?† provides an understanding of why race and racism continue to operate in our world. Tatum effectively answers the question she poses as the title of her book; moreover, I agree with her perception of Affirmative Action and the word racist, but I do not agree with the definition of racism in her book. I believe Tatum answers the question â€Å"Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?† not onlyRead MoreWhy Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together?962 Words   |  4 Pagesprofessional authors state as a fact. For example, you have Jonathan Kozol in â€Å"Still Separate, Still Unequal† state the differences between the white and the poor. Now you also Beverly Daniel Tatum where in â€Å"Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?† he describes how african american kids are seen differently so there treated differently. If we go into gender we have Deborah Tannen in â€Å"How Male and Female Students Use Language Differently† where gender matters because you will have slightRead MoreWhy Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together Essay1293 Words   |  6 PagesIn her book â€Å"Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?† , Beverly Daniel Tatum, explores the identity of racial development in the United States. She analyzes the definition of racism as well as the development of racial identity. Along with these topics she in turn offers possible solutions to racial problems that plague us today. Tatum uses David Wellman’s definition of racism to set up the way racism is talked about in this book, however I mildly disagree with this definitionRead MoreWhy Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together?897 Words   |  4 PagesEvery public school lunch room is filled with many tables, every day these tables are the perfect place for a student to find where they â€Å"belong†. Like Beverly Daniel Tatum states in â€Å"Why Are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?†, part of the social groups forming in high schools goes to thank adolescents. Tatum writes, â€Å"As children enter adolescence, they begin to explore the question of identity, asking ‘Who am I?’ ‘Who can I be?’†(375). At this point in their life everyone beginsRead MoreWhy Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together?917 Words   |  4 Pagesopportunity is available for all peoples no matter the race. That opportunity is there for the taking. However, obs tacles can prevent a student from seizing that opportunity. You can see the obvious impact of race in the African-American community in regards to educational opportunities. Race hinders educational opportunity of African-Americans through the expectations of others and self-identity conflicts. Beverly Tatum s Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?and AnnRead MoreWhy Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together? Essay1909 Words   |  8 Pagesextensive as it really is. All the readings, videos, and lectures have directly related back to the purpose of the course. As a whole, I feel like this class has grown in knowledge not only about how racism affects people, but how to change and make a difference. This class has informed me a lot more about the unfortunately thriving acts of racism in the United States. While in this class we read much from Beverly Tatum’s book Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria. Tatum givesRead MoreAnalysis Of Beverly Tatum s Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together 1326 Words   |  6 PagesRacism is actually a topic that seems to be tabooed world-wide. In the first chapter of Beverly Tatum’s â€Å"Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria† she discusses racism and all of its components. In this chapter she discusses white privilege, active and passive racism, prejudice and much more. Beverly explains how racism is â€Å"a system of institutional policies and cultural messages that is advantageous to white people and disadvantageous to people of color†. This would explainRead More Analysis of Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum1302 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly D aniel Tatum Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria; by Beverly Daniel Tatum Ph.D. is a book of many subjects, theories, ideas, as well as opinions that are discussed, challenged and criticized. Are we free from racism? Why, are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? These questions I hope to answer for myself and for others. One of Beverly Tatums major topics ofRead MoreStill Separate, Still Unequal1648 Words   |  7 Pagesthe schools have mostly black and Hispanic students (348). The percentage of blacks and Mexicans students were higher than fifty percent. There was a teacher who was 65 years old who taught at a majority black school stated that Out of eighteen years, this is the first white student I have ever taught (348). Its not very common that white students attend underclass schools. Kozol stated that there is a school in New York City named Langston Hughes that has 99 percent black and Hispanic studentsRead MoreRacial Identity By Dr. Beverly Tatum1141 Words   |  5 PagesAuthor, Dr. Beverly Tatum a clinical psychologist whose main study of interest is Black children’s racial identity development wrote the text Why Are All the Black Kids sitting Together in the Cafeteria? After receiving a letter from a school principal in New Jersey applauding her on her reason of why, in racial ly mixed schools all over the country, Black kids were still sitting together in school cafeterias. In the text Tatum shares her thoughts about the development of racial identity faced by

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